Different strokes for different baby folks

So I already posted my list of baby things we couldn't live without when AB was a little-kin.  Now that we have a new man in our life, our list has changed a bit!  Every baby is different!  We've got a hot little nugget on our hands these days and the ballgame has changed!  And you just never know what is going to work.

First off, since the heat as been record setting and in the 100's ever since BBB arrived, we have kept him in a simple onesie.  No cute footed pjs for big boy.  He's too hot.  So we are hoping the weather cools off a bit to get him in some of those things soon!  But for now the staples are these Gap Favorites.  They are super duper soft and super duper stretchy to go over the newborn noggin.  Love.  Have one in every color.  My mom likes the blues - says they bring out his peepers.

And oldie, but a neccesity is next.  The FP lamb swing.  He'd rather be there than anywhere else.  Even in his mama's hot arms.  Sort of breaks your heart when he smiles when you put him in the swing even though he's been fussy in your arms for an hour.  But no complaints, if he can love that swing, well we can love it just as much.  And under $100 now here.

One baby's trash is another baby's treasure. Figuratively. Not literally.  His sister didn't take a liking to these little buddies.  But little man is obsessed.  So I went out and made sure I had a houseful.  Extras for AB to play with, extras in case he spits them out on the floor, just extras.  No need to keep washing the same one over and over again - the theme with baby number two is "make it easy on mama" and by easy I mean buy extra. 

Now I don't remember if I posted my diaper bag from AB, but I've found a new love for it again.  It's the perfect diaper bag.  Spots for everything, very roomy, and keeps your organized.  LOVE.  or I die in the words of RZ.   It's the Kate bag by MZ Wallace.  They have them at Nest and Cot in H-town or your can order from their website here.  And it's not a baby bag brand, so really I think it could be used beyond "diaper bag" days.

And we haven't hit this stage yet, but these are a coming neccesity.  Mullins Square used to make them, but they have stopped.  Infantissima is now making them and they are elusive.  They have them at Texas Women's in the professional building in the little store on the botton floor called the Stork Club.  Get one while you can.  They keep ALL the food off your baby when you start solids.  Not just the food that hits the front of the shirt.   You know what I mean.  Sorry for the lack of links.  Can't find the pup on the web.  Comes in a lot of patterns.  See their wholesale site here.

And another newbie to my list that we have yet to try, but can't wait to use in the near future is this little guy...it's a support for the high chair, excersaucer, park swing.  It's for when your baby isn't quite ready for that stuff, but sort of is.  That in between time.  When they like the entertainment of the excersaucer, but can't hold themselves up for that long.  Like about 4-5 months range. 

and this is how you use it:
And I regret to inform you that we did NOT find a really cool new monitor that scans between rooms, has a huge clear lcd screen, talk to talk features, temperature monitoring, lullabies and all sorts of other cool stuff.  The big wigs at the baby video monitor companies and the big wigs at the telephone/cable/internet companies have not gotten together to work out why they are putting these digital items on the same frequency.  Translation - the new cool digital monitors all interfere majorly with our wi-fi.  So we can't get any work done, or blogging done, while the babes sleep.  MAJOR FAIL, people.  We tried this guy.  AND the extra camera from yet another website.  FAIL!
And then this one.  Which is really hard to find in stock, but does all the cool stuff listed above.  So excited for it to arrive.  And then FAIL again.

So now we are back to square 1.   And settled on 2 Summer Infant replicas of our original that is officially dead.  So hence the purchase of these 2, which sort of interfere with eachother now.  We are LOSE LOSE here people.  Send suggestions my way, pronto.  I NEED to see my babies at night while they sleep!  Just kidding.  But it's just so choice to be able to turn to my bedside table, take a peek and then go back to sleep knowing they were just making some noise and are indeed back to sleep.

Who would have thought one of our biggest challenges with this baby would be finding a monitor that was legit???

And this little bath ditty.  So nice, so helpful.  Like that extra set of hands you need.  I set it next to me on the counter, lay the towel on it and put him there before and after the bath.  Voila!
So that's the short list for now!   Fill me in on more cool things that are musts for you and your brood...