Oh the times they are a changin'

So in my last post I briefly touched on how life on the internet and my shopping habits have vastly changed in the past year.  Yes, I buy clothes on Facebook.  If you would have asked me if that was a possibility 2 years ago, I probably would have said no way.  It just seems like such a wierd way to shop.  And if you asked me if I would make food from a photography (though it's much much more) site like Pinterest, I would have said that the Food Network is good enough for me.  Not anymore.

If you aren't on FB - now is as good enough time as any to join if not for anything else but shopping - but you can stick around for the stalking, too.  But let's "face" it (I'm just full of puns lately - beth, you would be proud) - if you are reading this post, most likely you are on the FB.  I do Smocked Auctions.  I buy smocked things like a crazy woman on online auctions, thats me.   I did design the logo for their clothing line, Classic Whimsy...so maybe I'm a bit biased.

And the quality of Classic Whimsy from Smocked Auctions is good because I know that it is made by the same people who make some of my favorite smocked stuff, Vive la Fete.  So this blog post is dedicated to smocking.  And though we wear a lot of other things than smocked stuff, I do love it. 

Not to plug the line I rep, Ragsland, but these are some of the nicest/most traditional Christmas smocking items I've seen this season. (By Vive la Fete).  Their FB page posts sales and stuff with things that are not at the trunk shows.  Also - coupons!  Sweet!

And for the baby bros:

And here are a few Anavini ones for sale on the Ragsland site, too.

and the coordinating brother outfit:

I  stick by "Give me Anavini (or Vive la Fete/Claire and Charlie/etc.) or give me death" though.  I'm pretty picky when it comes to smocking.  And let's face it, some of the stuff on FB is sub par.  Since I have learned the craft of smocking myself, I'm allowed to be picky.  Insert stuck up nose here!  ha!!  Here are some of my fave Anavini and Claire and Charlie items of the season.  I usually pre-book a few through Sweet Caroline Boutique on FB.   She also does some cute inexpensive tees here.

Got to have something with fall leaves: 
And the owls are so cute, got this in a bishop:
And this little pants and frogs number:
(which we plan to make use of the pants with other cute tops like this):

And who could pass this up with the cute ladybugs:
We are big fans of zoo animals around here:
And for more FB finds.  This one really isn't a FB find.  I've been buying their stuff new through ebay for awhile now.  It's called This and That for Kids.   And here is their website, though she does auction type sales on FB more frequently.  The line she carries, Be Mine, is beautiful, priced beautiful, and Annabelle has been wearing it since fall of '09.  heavy stuff.  just kidding.  Got this cute christmas dress for fun, festive holiday parties.
And this princess number is pretty cute, too:
And let's not forget the little men in our life:
AND the best thing about their boys shortalls and longalls...they come with shirts!!!!  Not to dog other sites, but this is a nice feature.

And I'm not saying that ALL my smocking shopping is done through FB, but a fair amount is.  I have issues, I admit that much!  What are your favorite FB smocking sites?